Jan 19, 2011

Assignment for Midterm & January edition

Here are the two scoring guides for the following due at the Midterm critique session, Friday, January 21, 2011 @ 9:45 - 11:15. Please do not be late; it will affect your grade.

Critique session & notes are to be about our website:
Marking Up the Text Rubric for Newspaper CritiquesI will collect these notes & it is 50% of your midterm grade. Since you can't "write on" the website, you will want to take detailed notes on the specific web pages. If your handwriting is hard to read, I expect you to type them. Please make sure the notes are neat and organized; they should be clearly labeled and in sections. Editors-in-Chief, Managing Editors, and the On-line Editors are exempt from this & will be taking notes during the critique session.
Student-Run Discussion, © Ms. Pettit, Modified by Ryan GallagherThis is also 50% of your midterm grade. You will be graded on your participation in the critique session, so make sure your notes help guide you to sophisticated analysis. The advantage of the website is that we will be able to spend a few days making changes to the website based on your critique session.

This is a very important part of the class in terms of your grade since it is easy to specify in grading criteria, so please put in the appropriate effort. It is worth 10% of your final yearly average.

Here is the January edition, in case you want to reference it:

January 2011 Blue & Gold Malden High School

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